Sunday, October 18, 2009


It's weird how you feel lazy at the time where hard work counts the most =_=

The tree outside my window really needs to be destroyed. It ruins my view of the park =[

Nerding is taking its toll, droopy eyelids are now the norm. I hope this is worth the trouble =p

Ah well, not long to go! Jia you everyone ^^

“It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.”


Spcogg said...

ahahah yes, i remember that one. It was the best of the ones around last year imo. True too, except oranges/grapefruite/tomatoes need a buff, and red apples need a nerf.

FROGGY said...

that's why you get other people to peel/cut/prepare the difficult fruits for you to eat.


stephoo said...

that picture somehow reminds me of our convo of which fruits are "hot" LOLS !

OJ said...

Get popup comment box! Otherwise music player resets each time. >_>