Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lets get this going again =]

So as many of you kids know, recently all us oldies got our coveted ENTER scores...=O

But I'm not going to talk about that today. What I want to discuss is the terrible situation that I am consigned to, being somewhat indecisive over the matter of my future. So far, I've narrowed course choice down to Bachelor of Medicine at Monash and Bachelor of Biomedicine at Melbourne. I really need to choose between these courses though because whichever one I put as my first preference is the one I will be doing, unless I failed the Monash Interview (which, looking back on all this griping might actually be a good thing rofl =="). Also I will lol so hard if I don't get into either of these courses and this 1am post was all for naught =p

Monash Bachelor of Medicine:
Quick and secure entry into a Medical degree (on the other hand, Melbourne Medicine admits 250 local students every year, meaning anyone who sits the GAMSAT, does and interview and has the prerequs has a shot at it)
On that note, no grueling interviews or GAMSAT if I do Monash Medicine
Patient based learning, and ample clinical practise
Two years faster exit than doing similar course (Biomed -> Grad Med) at Melbourne
Good opportunity for international travel and participation in forums and whatnot

Work specs:
25 contact hours, apparently builing up to about 35, in years 3-5 up to 40hours in clinical work
Early years of the course focus on personal wellbeing, as well as a huge blob of subunits such as
* cardiovascular
* endocrinology
* gastrointestinal
* genomics
* human behaviour
* human development and growth
* immunology and infection
* metabolism
* molecules, cells and tissues
* musculo-skeletal
* neurosciences
* nutrition
* renal
* reproduction
* respiratory
Which are all taught via patient based learning (i.e. made up situation where someone has so and so problem)

I think I might get a car :O
I know people going there
It is far less city-like than Melbourne Uni (not sure it's good :\)

Melbourne Bachelor of BioMedicine:
Flexible degree that will allow for a change of heart on my part with no detrimental effects
Can lead to Doctor of Medicine, Optometry, Dentistry and Masters Engineering.
Guaranteed CSP place in Masters Engineering given I do an Engineering major
Highly interesting field with many different pathways
Opportunity to do Breadth Studies such as Japanese or Psychology
If I don't like Biomed, I can stick with Engineering and bury myself in Maths =p
If I don't like Engineering, I can stick with Biomed and be a Doctor/Dentist or Optomertrist
If I like both, I can do Biomedical Engineering and make awesome surgial lasers, prosthetics and bionic eyes
If I don't like any of them I can stick with my psychology breadth, get a Masters and compete in Liar Game
The three year course means less time wasted if I completely change my mind about this whole thing

Work Specs:
Each year the amount of core Biomedicine subjects drops until there is only one subject per semester, a major and a breadth
Contact hours depend on what electives are chosen
Unsure about Graduate Medicine as it is a new course, though given the age and experience of Melbourne's Medical School it should be useful

Sexy campus, with abundant public transport from my home
Same route I've been going the last four years of my life
In the middle of the city -> convenient job and shopping opportunity, not to mention state library, ,bowling, karaoke and rock climbing =]
Lots more friends going here I think
I think there should be more local studnets in this course
Near to Monash Pharmacy Faculty where more friends will likely study
Great Athletics track, 25m swimming pool and gym

I think the Monash list looks bigger because of all those random subunits, but anyway this is just me trying to make my problem a bit more tangible. You know though, I think that no matter which course I end up doing, I'll try to see the pros and perks much better, and I'm sure I'll discover some awesome new ones while I'm there =] Then again, I think I will always want to look a little further down the road not taken, wondering if I've missed some amazing opportunity that was waiting just around the corner >_>"

Anyway, just wondering about any opinions that anyone has regarding this choice. I'm not really leaning towards either side I guess, since I can find great things about both. I suppose Melbourne is more motivated by environment and space to change my mind where as Monash is more if I want to do straight Medicine. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, since it's like two days before final selections haha! ^_^

I'll get on the changing of the music tomorrow, well, today since it's like 1.40am =_= But somewhat later today =] Hope all you kids didn't feel too bad about ENTER scores, though now that it's almost been a week I guess any initial pain is sort of dulling.

Lastly, here's a pic I found that I've mentioned to a few people but never got around to showning them.

ed: anyone having trouble with mixpod, you've got to use a skin that shows video because youtube decided we're not allowed to stream just audio content


Bill said...

I suggest you talk to Kunal Luthra about this issue. He seems quite well informed about it. if you don't know that already. Btw, he's going for Monash Med. Can I add another point to your BBiomed/MD option? Networking and maybe placement at a better hospital, since Melb seems to have all these major hospitals and biomedical research institutes in or near Parkville. But I realise that alone isn't enough to make 2 more years worthwhile.

Steve said...

I think the major problem is that I'm not sure if i want to commit to MD at the stage yet, and therefore am attracted by the alternative pathways at the end of Biomed which will allow me to still work towards medicine, while at the same time not locking me in to it for good.

Very good point about placements, Melbourne has something like 8 major hospitals around it? I was talking to a Monash graduate the other day who did her placement in Boxhill haha. Though it is not as close to the rest of them though, she reckons they have quite a few specialists working there.

The placement part will probably become important when and if i begin clinical work, which is third year in Monash, and I guess fourth year in Melbourne, after the Biomed. I think I probably should talk to Kunal about it though, maybe find out a few more interesting things ^^

Thanks Bill!