Friday, November 13, 2009

So it's been awhile huh ^^"

I'm terribly sorry for the 12 day hiatus eheh XD I don't know, blame it on exam stress or lack of sleep (because I feel guilty leaving aircon on overnight), but I couldn't really think of anything worthwhile to blog about hahah. Especially since exams were staring me in the face >_>"

But now that I have alot more free time (ahem still have chinese exam to go but that's ok ^^") I had a think about what I just did. Like, I gave up blog for the sake of some nerding. Was it worth it haha? Don't know, I'm not even sure how many kids read this thing XD Maybe nobody was affected except viv and the fishkeeper(btw whoever you are you are the awesome!!)

Anyway, that sort of got me thinking about the future, where I'm floating towards in life, and I guess what I want to get out of life.

Is it really that bad to not care desperately about grades for instance? By the time we get to year 12, pretty much everybody is studious, true, but we all realise the world is bigger than that damn stupid mistake on the maths exam. Ok yeah so I totally slapped myself when I realised I hadn't subbed in pi after methods 1, but after about a night of hardcore gaming everything was good o.< I mean, in the end, the culmination of our 13 years of education is nothing more than four digits and a dot that at best tell you how much better than other people you are and at worst are a snide reminder about how many more kids beat you =_=. In the end, it doesn't really represent that much does it?

You hear people talking about how nobody cares about your ENTER past VCE. About how the type of person you are, and how hard you work is what really makes you stick out. I totally agree. Sure it'll get you into uni, but by no means does a good ENTER mean you will succeed in life. It's the type of person your education spits you out as that counts. My idea of academia being top of the list sort of disintegrated awhile ago I guess ^^". Life is bigger than books man =].

...Then again I'm totally in love with computer games so I guess I'm being a tad hypocritical =p

So what is important? What kind of life should I be aiming for? Do I want to be some famous scientist (or possibly a failure of a scientist who never discovers anything)? Or will I be happy with lots of money, time and a nice family? Should I just open a stationary chain? Or do I need a magical 99.95 and a PhD to get what I want out of life?

I guess, in the end, all I really want is to be happy. Maybe it's all anybody wants (except CFK...HA). The problem for me is finding what truly makes me happy, and how to get it. I'm not sure I'll ever figure it out, but it'll be fun giving everything a try I bet ^^

Right now, we year 12 kiddies are standing on the edge of an ocean of possibility. At this stage in our lives, we still have the opportunity to achieve anything we want to. No matter what values we hold, or where we want to go with life we have the chance to grab the opportunity to get there! Dream big and kick hard to get where you want =]

“He who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.”


stepho said...

but my parents are still tight on me.... <_<

BTW NICE WORDS, made me feel better about making those mistakes in the spesh exam...

FROGGY said...

yay we're almost there :)

i guess uni will take us places and allow us to dream big, right?