Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Boo !

I told you - new motivation every year =p

So I've moved to Queensland now.
The first couple days I didn't really enjoy, since I was still a bit sad about leaving everyone at home I suppose. Also they were like 35 degrees and I was basically roasting walking around the city all day.
The uni here is...kinda like Melbourne High a little in my head - they really value their public image, and also the quality of education. Which is a good thing I suppose, but it's also a bit of a worry since it means they're going to work us like probes the four years they have us. Apparently the pressure comes down alot more in second and third year though, so perhaps I've got a bit of a honeymoon year coming =]

Anyway, enough about me. How've you been dear reader? In this long long....looong absence of mine from this blog xD I'm not sure this is a healthy relationship we have, but as long as you only care about interesting stuff to read I figure I might as well not put my entire life and soul into this, as there is enough interesting stuff already on the internet (see blogs listed on the left) =] And if that's not enough for you there's always New Scientist, xkcd, amirte, cracked and world news. And iuno...^^"

Lastly, over the years I've collected something like 42 pages of quotes that I think are pretty good. I'll probs chuck one in with each post. This way each post will become one of those super short tumblr type things if you skip over the blob of text ^^

Anyhoo here's post #1 of 2011 =]
“The Sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me". Look what happens with a love like that; it lights up the whole sky.”

Listening to : Dancing with myself - Billy Idol (because I haven't met people I don't feel awkward dancing around here yet =p)


OJ said...

QUOTES! But yeah, dude, have fun up there. Meet some people you can dance with. Meet some people you can game with. Tunngle them with us. We always did want to make outposts all over the country. Panda over in Perth, Kevin and David Thai in Adelaide, Vince in Canberra, now you in Brisbane! D: I MISS YOU STEBEN D:

FROGGY said...

omg you didn't tell me you blogged but yay you got your pw back haha

and i like the new blogfont.

and ew.... hot weather.. are you going to come back all tanned and like a roasted chicken then? not sure about the taste though.. LOL

Bill said...

Hurrah, update! I will be checking your blog, so keep the quotes / meandering commentary coming.