Friday, March 4, 2011

Six days later...

So I've had no internet for six days. Many apologies to you my beloved readers ><
It's been an interesting experience indeed!

I slept between 10 and 11 every night. Woke up between 5 and 7 every morning. Albeit that might have been due to the early traffic than any improved body clock ^^"

Anyhoo I got up to some weird stuff during my internetless (and tvless) period. Watched about 20 eps of how I met your mother. Watched Iron Man. And then again the next night +.+". Then some Igudesman and Joo. And did a teensy bit of exercise. Actually Alex pointed out that given the situation I should have done much more exercise. I've found some nice routes to run around here, haven't gone running yet though, as I've been moving in etc all week =_= hurah. It's also kind of my excuse to be a little antisocial this week eheh ^^" Need to fix that hey!

Something I was thinking about today. When you're young, everything is up in the air. I think of young things as being a source of hope in the world. When you're young you have all this potential, both in terms of your ability to learn and how much time you have to do it in. As I've grown slightly older I've found that potential has diminished somewhat, and the gap between the polar ends of your peer group widens more and more. And it's a pretty depressing feeling, knowing that that time you could have been using to do something awesome is lost...

But then again you can look at it as we're still about 20 and have at least thrice that time again left to live =] The potential there is still amazing. It's kind of nice to look back and be a bit regretful you didn't dedicate all your time during the past years, and then appreciate how much time you've still got left ^^

Anyhoo that's just something rather incoherent that was floating around my head today. Stay motivated and active your whole life; tis important =]

Post #2 of 2011 =]
"Attitudes are contagious.
Is yours worth catching?"
-Author Unknown

Listening to : Matchbox 20 - How far we've come

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