Thursday, April 21, 2011

Back to the mothercity

.....Soon ><
I'll be back Saturday night!!!

Quite happy now that all my midsems are over - we had three, one for immunolgy, one for tooth anatomy and one for microbiology. Microbio kinda sucked because I thought tooth anatomy was actually the last one and was in like celebration mode before someone reminded me about it >__>"

I used to suck so bad at poaching eggs. Like all the white never seemed to stay in one place so I got all this fluffy stuff boiling over. Awhile ago though I heard of a good method. When the water is boiling, turn off the heat and stir until the water looks like a whirlpool. Then you just carefully pour the egg into the centre and as long as you don't disrupt the motion of the water too much, it'll nudge all of the eggy goodness to the centre, leaving you with an intact poached egg!

Hm so I'm trying to get rid of all my perishables before I come back, which has led to alot of nights where dinner is meat et randomstuffinmyfridge. I suppose it is pretty fun experimenting though ^^ As long as you're willing to eat whatever you make haha.

I should really do more exercise =_= feeling quite out of it after all the nerding

Anyhoo somehow I managed to stumble upon this on youtube. The words are very confusing, but what I gathered is that they reckon the phosphorylation sites on the tubulin protein can be used as an on/off switch - effectively acting like a computer bit. And then it went on to some random stuff about quantum theory to try to explain the circuitry and used the whole system to explain how we store memory and cell tasks. It's rather dense but it really blew my mind that the idea was a combination of biology, IT and quantum physics.

Post 10 of 2011 =]
"We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it."
George Bernard Shaw, Candida (1898) act 1

Listening to: Taxiride – Creeping up slowly

I first heard that song back in primary school at camp - makes me happy ^^

OH OH and Fast Car - Tracy Chapman. I used to think she was a guy lol =_= She used to look somewhat unisex I believe. Anyway I found her version of this after seeing a guy sing it on Britain's Got Talent. He walked out on stage looking like a friendless hobo and then wowed everyone. I know that story is a bit cliched by now, but I can't help but smile when people are proven wrong when they prejudge others.

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