Monday, September 12, 2011

Check in

So I said I'd get back to you guys about my attempt to do that pushups/situps program. It's been about 2 weeks now, today was Day 1 Week 3 and I'm happy to say I've been keeping to to schedule pretty well ^_^ Only two more weeks to go =]

Yesterday was a day of uberfail for me =[ Well, it started off pretty well, with me waking up at 5.30am to see if I could/go for a run. Btw it was also an initial trial for the 3mile in 18min run thing, I got 26min hahaha >< It equates to just pass on the grading scale =.=" Anyhoo after that went out and ended up eating lunch at Nandos. Do you think the sauce hotness varies between establishments? I swear I couldn't take hot flavour in Melbourne but here it's like =\ Maybe it's just because everyone else around was like from Malaysia/Singapore/Indonesia and they were making fun of the 'extra hot' flavour lol.

After that I went home and my day of fail began. I spent about an hour shortening my uni office pants, which worked out pretty well considering I was using a $2 sewing kit (apart from breaking a needle, cause I'm tank like that =.="). But after when I tried to iron it to make the edges straight I managed to melt a freakin hole in the leg >__>" Apparently highest setting is a nono. I should know this, as it's happened to me once before ==" So now I've ripped a piece of material off the pants, to use to test the melty-ness of the iron before I use it on anything else.

After that I decided to play some Starcraft to you from my loss of pants. Teamed up with two guys on NA for 3v3 goodness, and we won 4/5 matches of placement. The fail was the last game, against diamonds, where we couldn't even deny ONE expo. So by midgame they had like a billion things flying around the map and my whole team was still onebase =-="

After that slightly sad ending I decided to make dinner because you =]. I was going mega ceebs that night, so dinner was buttered wholemeal toast with leftover curry in omelette + spinach. 15min start->eating ftw!! xD Anyway I managed to burn my tongue on the curry/omelette thing which resulted in me closing my mouth and scraping my hard palate with hot, hard, toast (with added pointy wholegrains!). It didn't help one bit that I know exactly what the bits of mucosa I had scraped off were called =[(rugae).

Do you reckon by being able to better verbalize your pain you increase the pain? Kind of like when you don't want people to start a revolution in your country you don't let them have a word for revolution in their language - it makes the concept harder to grasp.

*sigh* So that was my fail day, which started off so well =[ Now I have to deal with having only one set of un-melted pants, an embarrassing SC2 replay and a very smooth hard palate =_=

And no more curry!! ;__;

I hope today's going to be better xD

Post 14 of 2011 =]

“It’s quite hard to soar like an eagle when one thinks like a turkey”

Listening to: Mother, We just can't Get Enough - New Radicals


Brendan said...

5:30 am running? Well seeing that summer's coming around and sunburn will be the hazard when you're back...why don't we try an early morning run someday when you're back? Or maybe a late night run. LOL I remember seeing this lady running at about 12:30am Christmas morning one year...

Steve said...

Lol yeah but it was sort of a one off I think =p But yeah would love to get in a couple runs with you over the hols man ^^ Late night works too, can even out the loss of calories with some midnight pancakes or something haha xD

Brendan said...

LOL that'd be awesome. Twilight running to Pancake Parlour!