Monday, September 5, 2011

Saturday Night

Was Riverfire. It's basically and annual event that involves and airshow in the afternoon and fireworks at night =] It signals the opening of several weeks of art shows and other random stuff. Anyhoo I went down to Southbank (same general idea as the Melbourne one =]) with a couple of people to watch, and I've gotta say, fireworks still amaze me ^^ They also has this whole laser light show that synced with music that they were playing out of speakers all along the bank.

I wonder where I'm going to end up in 10 years. I read a quote ages ago that said something like "as we become older, we become more like ourselves unless we make conscious changes". I.e. angry people stay angry, if you have bad habits you'll stay that way, unless you do something about it. Things won't just change themselves. I hope I end up being somebody I'd be proud to become.

Watching everyone run off on their chosen career paths makes me sad. The whole 'road not taken' deal. I'm pretty sure we read some kind of poem about it in year 7 or 8. It's like when you're playing some kind of RPG and you want to try out the stories of all the character classes at the same time, but you can only pick one because you cbs playing the game through like 6 times. Irrelevant of which one you choose, you're always going to wonder if things might have been different/better if you went another way. I guess the only thing to do is to be happy with the boat you're in after you've cast off =] (Necromancer F.T.W)

Post 12 of 2011 =]

True humour is fun - it does not put down, kid, or mock. It makes people feel wonderful, not separate, different, and cut off. True humour has beneath it the understanding that we are all in this together.
Hugh Prather

Listening to: I'd Rather Be With You - Joshua Radin


Brendan said...

I see you've updated your blog! So I thought i'd take a read...

Definitely, life is always a case of 'what ifs' and 'could have beens'. It's always a case of thinking about how differently things might have turned out. I think about it all the's saddening, slightly sobering, but yeah at the end of the day...nice RPG reference lol!

Yeah at the end of the day, life isn't long enough for us to go every which way, but probably just to take what we've got and draw the 'satisfaction' line somewhere. Otherwise, we're chasing asymptotes.

BTW will you be back for more NYE fireworks? (And Mountain Malts?)

Steve said...

HELL. YES. Let's do that all again xD

Ahaha I like your wording; "draw the satisfaction line" and "chasing asymptotes" =] Very succinct descriptions !