Friday, March 4, 2011


I wonder if anyone will recognise/understand this random picture I found on my internet wanderings.

It's from a wikipedia article about Lagrangian points and Hill spheres. Basically Hill Spheres are countour lines of gravitational pull. So the closer lines are together, the larger the increase in gravity in that direction.
Lagrangian points are kind of special points in the orbit of two objects in space. In a nutshell the nature of the points is that if you put an object of negligible mass on that point, the combined gravitational fields of the two initial objects would keep it in the same position relative to both of them. I thought that was a little interesting ^^"

Post 3 of 2011 =]
“What is today, but yesterday’s tomorrow” - Spongebob

Listening to: A Contre Courant - Alizee

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