Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So I have started revision proper finally ^_^. It's awesome though, I wrote heaps more notes that most kids during lectures, so all I have to do now is read over them and go over the topics in the books =] FINALLY all my frantic scribbling in lectures will pay off!! To lecture slide printing kids: I hope the trees whose bodies you printed disturbing amounts of lecture slides onto are ok with what you have done >3 Anyway yes, after that all that is left is practise exams =] I hope I get this timing thing right lmao...not too early that you forget everything preexam, but not too late that you stressplode the night before exam ><

Crashed Accounting lecture today and I realised something; they are actually doing revision! How come in all my subjects we're still learning stuff for the exams?! Especially bio, I mean wtf man, give us a hw sheet for stuff we haven't done yet == Then again, uni IS supposed to be more self directed learning right? >_> Shame on me for not having read the book a year ago.

Nostalgia is a pain in the bum sometimes. Sometimes you can really miss how things used to be, because you have such good memories of the time. But I think we have to remember that memory only likes the memorable bits, and that in the time we now look back upon so fondly now we were probably plagued with a similar amount of problems and worrys as we are now. That's a nice thought though isn't it? That all the worries we have currently are fleeting and easily forgettable ^_^ Got to make sure you appreciate the memorable stuff while you can =]

Have been sick lately (because of lack of sleep and vitamin c according to my friend) so tonight I will sleep a full hour earlier than usual ^_^ Hope this starts working before exams roll in =\

ANYWAY! I hope you're all studying more than I am =]

Fact: Before it goes into your mouth, food is food. When it is going past your pharynx it is called a bolus. When it is in your tummy it is called chmye. And I think we all know what it is called when it comes out the rear door. Wow... and I used to think Finance had alot of words for the same thing ^^"

Quote: "My plan is so simple even an idiot could have devised it. We will fly in single file straight into the ailen deathrays, clogging them with wreakage!"
*upon seeing his starships losing the battle*


linh said...


:D love the picture

SIGH exam. should start revision..........................................................................................

OJ said...

What's your Bio book? Let's study session some time. Are you doing Bio next semester too?

Sick doesn't necessarily mean lack of sleep and Vitamin C. Bacterial or viral or fungal?

Also, might be crashing on Thursday.

I hate braces.

swangoo said...

hello steve
man i like reading ur blog

Steve said...

OMG it's a Linh!
We took that photo on one of the last days of school. I had been obsessing over the loldrink for awhile so thought buy it before we left. Did not taste as cool as it looks...=[

Hmm I think it is lack of sleep though oj, since I lost quite a bit over the weekend. Then again, the weather has been dodgy so maybe it is a combination =]

Yeah sis I feel your accounting pain, but at least your lecturer takes care of your revision for you ^_^ Glad you like the blog!