Monday, October 5, 2009

Return of the Ting

Unrated songs on Itunes = 958 / 4175


Since today at lunch Hungy asked me when I was going to blog again, I've decided to put the next phase of my plan for world domination into action. Namely, making a SECOND POST XD
Did you miss me? ^^ I hope you did, because I missed talking to myself on the internet tremendously >3

Ok, so the plan was to leave you guys hanging for awhile, so you wouldn't come to expect daily updates from me. This way, we could continue a nice, noncommittal loving relationship without any dodgy suspicion about what I was doing when I wasn't talking to you =] Obviously I'm just worried that I might distract you all from your precious precious ENTER scores o.< ..Speaking of cadets, Oj if you're reading this, update more! I miss your blogs ^__^

At least now we all understand each other with the frequency of blog thing right? So no hard feelings ok =p

ANNNYWAY today us cool state school people had first day of term four. WHICH WAS AWESOME IF ANY OF YOU LUCKY PRIVATE SCHOOL PEOPLE WHO STAYED HOME WERE WONDERING >3 Ok so my class got like...4/5 trial exams back, plus a methods and spesh SAC rofl. Was quite an assault on the self esteem >_<" I guess I did...passably, only English is wtf domination hahah! Need to write more practise essays =_="

Apart from that there was nothing really special about today, except that we started singing practise and had our second last year 12 assembly. Feeling somewhat nostalgic about it all you know, finishing school and everything. =[ HAHAH actually midway through Ludo's speech about last days of year 12 i asked Bill if he wanted to sneak back into bhs with our old laptops and try to blend in to the year 7 alp class XD Do you reckon would have worked? Didn't think so ><

Any ideas for muckup day anyone? :O

This post is getting a bit fat I guess, so I suppose I should leave it here =]

> QOTD - “I’ve found that the more I practise, the luckier I get”
Thought it was fitting given what I want to do with english =_=

> I use emoticons too much when I type haha, effects of the Internet ? XD

> The Pope has it but he does not use it.
Your father has it but your mother uses it.
Nuns do not need it.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one,
Michael J. Fox's is quite small.
What is it?

Enjoy working that out everyone =] I promise you it is not sick ^^

> An lastly, I think I've found an outlet for all those funny pictures I've found XD

ps. answer to the riddle is in the comments, Congrats Little Vincent for putting it up ^__^


FROGGY said...

bahah seagull xDDDD

i gotta see that one day. just not on me.

jen said...


Vincentjr said...

Is the answer...a last name?

CHYEAHHH BOIII I'm pretty sure it is xDD

although, I must admit...I did think dirtiedly.