Friday, October 30, 2009

So i lied

Yes yes I know, it's not after spesh 2 yet...but I decided to recap the two exams today =]

Today, woke up at 6.30, read motivational note I wrote to myself the night before. "Do your best, it's not regretting anything that counts" -> huray for mediocrity! XD

And mediocre it was. English was ahem...not that cool. I wrote about 4 pages 1 paragraph each for text response and language analysis (HOMG HOMOSUPERSAYAIN ^_^) but only about 3 or a little under for context. And alot of it was...incoherent. Yeah, I failed bad >_>" I found it quite saddening that my entire year of striving for awesomeness in this context that I actually liked had to end with such a wet firecracker of a bang =[ But I guess there's not much point worry about it now ^^

Anyway, inspired by viv's blog, I also decided to find a picture that embodied my attitude towards the coming exams.

Gah, right, Spesh Exam. Well, iuno about you other schools, but us MHS kids looked upon this spesh exam as Darth Vader might look upon ewok....from the Death Star. Personally being a relatively average MHS kid, after reading it, I simultaneously realised that the exam was aceable and that it was likely I would make some noobzor mistake and again the elusive 100% would slip through my fingers =="

So I did the stupid exam, and finally managed to convince myself I had a chance of aceing...and then I walked into the happy group of asian kids that I call friends and all hope went out the window =_=. Lost two marks...or three if they don't count consequentials. Cursed negative sign...if only my hand had slipped huh =p

Anyway, that's it from me for now =] Good job everybody ^__^ VCE kids, just think; no more english...EVER!! BWAHAHAA!

"If you give up as soon as the pieces don’t seem to fit, you’ll never get anywhere" - something I learnt from playing Tetris XD


Spcogg said...

Lol yes, that was what i thought until k...:(

Damn crafy ewoks.

stepho said...

ahhh yeah exams were alright i guess. but the e^mx question i stuffed up and went home and saw the exact Q on jacks notes ==
AND LMAO you write motivation notes before you sleep NICE ~

anyways good luck for spesh exam 2
+love that pic, the girl IS SUPER CUTE

FROGGY said...

i should write motivational notes to myself before i sleep as well.

because every night i go to bed worried and yet i still have awesome/happy/interesting dreams (eg - jumping castles and slides, lots of food, being with friends etc)

i think i'm dreaming of the future.

Steve said...

Hungy: Lol dw man, jia you XD

Swango: Ahhh yeah man i almost failed that...was looking at it for ages during reading time hahah==" I remember shifty teacher giving us something like it in year 10 though haha. Save much ><

Viv:I hope I'm included in the jumping castle/slide/food dream ^_^

chewy said...

@hungy: u didnt solve for k? XD

now that english is over, the real (i.e. will affect my ENTER) exams are on... (although suffice to say, ive got spesh2 left before that happens)

OJ said...

Ewoks rock. You're forgetting that a few hundred of those little bastards beat the crap out of three legions of the Emperor's finest troops with nothing more than clubs, rocks and bows. And it was only with their intervention that the shield to the Death Star was deactivated, prompting the assault upon the reactor core by Gold Leader (Lando Calrissian) and Red Leader (Wedge Antilles). The ensuing destruction of the Emperor, and the death of Darth Vader, led to the widespread collapse of the Empire, heralding a new golden age of galactic politics under the banner of the New Republic.

Steve said...

Oj that was exactly the point I was trying to make >< We, like the Empire, underestimated the destructive power of the exam (ewoks) which resulted in our ultimate shameful demise at the hands of primative furry midgets.
Dw, I still remember much of my Starwars haha XD