Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Time Flies

So it seems like its only been a little while since I last blogged, but looking at the dates it seems my maximum four days for non-blogging are already over >< So sorry haha

Firstly, christmas is coming and I want a rocket ^__^

In other news, it's last day of school tomorrow and I'm feeling quite nostalgic. It's funny that goodbyes often bring out the best emotions in people =] After tomorrow's rushed two periods of shirt signing, Mr Wood trying to find all the pictures of Muqi in and around his office, and the final assembly, all us kids will be off to our little study hermitages to bring back good results for the school.

Time. I wish there was more of it. Even just now, as I realised the length of time between my blogs I lamented its loss. Those hours I spent not blogging is time I will now never be able to spend with you =[ Isn't it tragic? XD

But really, time is a terrible thing. It always seems to sneak by when things are going good, and when you realise it's there, your fun is ruined (much like some of the shifty kids in dodgeball today, I totally suck at that game ><). It's bit hard to treasure it when, so young, we have so much of it left. Then again, it's a total pain in the butt when you're trying not to fall asleep in class >_>"

I want a timeturner, like in Harry Potter. Someone was telling me that you really can go back in time and change things without destroying the universe, but I was kind of zoned out and didn't really understand. Maybe if I ever get a time machine I will hit myself for not paying as much attention.

I guess in some ways I do want to go back in time. Back to the familiar faces and places in year 7. Just to relive all the things over again. Not to say I wouldn't try to change some of the things hahah, but what can you do? (except build a time machine? XD). I suppose, like I think many are, I'm scared of what the future holds. I want to cling to the familiar, what I'm used to and comfortable with. Can't really say I'm not that kind of person =_=
However I can't go back, and I guess it'll be quite pathetic if I keep trying to live in the past.

So I'll embrace the future with a full tilt rugby tackle. Next post I'll see if I can write down some plans for post exams, so you can all bag me and nag me until I do them ^__^

Anyway, if you cbs reading this post, here is what i bsed in summarised form:
I want a rocket.
I want time.
I hate losing time.
Gimme a timeturner.
Insert indecisive space filler
Steve has spoken =D

Blah and lastly to any MHS boys reading this, thanks, it's been a great three/four years with you guys ^^

"Life goes by once. Don't waste a minute of it."


Anonymous said...

all that discussion of time, but isn't it best to utilise ur time right now preparing for exams? sorry if i spoilt ur mood or made u feel guilty, but i couldnt help pointing out the irony. actually, im being a hypocrite aren't I? I'm equally guilty, in reading ur post and commenting. bah.

anyway, i was feeling a bit reflective today as well, as i happened to be sorting out my school reports since yr 9. i couldn't help reading all the comments from teachers. apparently, some things about me didn't change over the 4 years, but overall, i guess i'm reasonably happy with how i turned out.

do u still blame me for dragging you, hungy, oj to mhs? haha. come on, after 4 years, it's about time u admitted it was just a scapegoat for u to deny ur own desire to be at mhs. place the blame on bill's family and its insidious effects upon ur parents, and u seem like a nice guy who honestly didn't want to ditch his bhs friends for mhs. haha.


stephoooo said...

man i looked at ur friend's first post O_O so long, thats hard to beat. but im actually writing a look both ways essay now.

yesterday was the last day of school. i already started crying before the part where the year 12 usually cry LOL
man.... 6 years seeing the same adorable faces almost everyday. its sad leaving since there are many people you might never see again.
thank god for facebook,msn and public transport (L)

sometimes i want to stop time just for a bit and hope that we can have maybe 25 hours in a day
if only.............
== SEEYA AT JACKS( you better come)

Steve said...

Nah Bill don't worry haha, I don't blame you for 'dragging' us to MHS at all. It was my own decision in the end to tell the truth, and I just have to live with the good and the bad of it ^^ I mean, I can't say I rue the day I ever went to that entrance exam, and the last four years have been pretty awesome in some respects. It's just a bit of a shame to leave old friends ^^"